October 13, 2010

sunday october 17th

the emerge community it's about to try and do what it has never been able to do before! read a "The Good and Beautiful God" and discuss it as a community (or as near to one as we can get!) hopefully be our focus of our sunday gatherings for the rest of the year with the exception of messymerge sundays and Christmas/New Year. we are asking each other to read a chapter, do the "soul training" exercise, and come to the sunday gathering ready to share your experience. in this way we hope to grow as followers of Jesus at a time when it is not fashionable to be one.

the sunday gatherings will feature bread & soup as usual, after which we will focus on our experience with the chapter for the previous week. so for this sunday, please read the Introduction and Chapter One. if you need a copy, I have some, they are $16.86 each. you need to be quick, I leave for Calgary Thursday evening, but I'll do my best to get one to you before I go. I'll also make sure there are some at the Undercroft on sunday for those who are not able to contact me before I leave.

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