September 25, 2009


sunday september 27
sees two exciting events take place.

at 10.00 am in Phillips Square sees the start of the Stop Child Trafficking Walk fundraiser.

then at 5.00 pm we gather in the Undercroft to celebrate God's love for us and to baptise our youngest emerger!

a baptism gives us an opportunity to look at some of the core issues involved in being followers of Jesus. if you come on sunday, and I very much hope you do, you will be asked the question, "Will all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ?" the "persons" here are not just the one being baptised, but also their parents, and godparents. it is a really good question, and one that is worth taking some time to think about before we blurt out the enthusiastic response, "We will." what may constitute support for these friends now and in the future? what does supporting someone in their life in Christ involve? baptism seems to be very much about setting a direction for life, about a desire to live life in Jesus' distinctive way.

I have a friend for whom alchohol has been a formidable foe. I recognise and support their determination to struggle against its power. and so I attended their celebration of several years of sobriety, it was one way in which I could support them. however inviting them to a pub (ordinarily a perfectly okay thing to do) would probably not have been a supportive act, because it didn't respect their commitment to sobriety. so being supportive includes positive as well as negative elements. doing certain things that would be helpful and not doing other things that would not be helpful. as we think about supporting one another in our life in Christ, we need to consider both forms.

tuesday september 29
hear the silence see below for details

September 18, 2009


last sunday we got into an interesting discussion after watching Rob Bell's nooma video "Corners". monday evening our house smelt wonderful when a few emergers got together to do some bottling of aubergines, can hardly wait to sample the results!

sunday september 20
"celebrate the feast"
we are going to gather in the Undercroft at 5 pm to eat together, as well as celebrate the Lord's Supper together. there'll be live music and wonderful people too! hope you can make it down.

sunday september 27
Slide 3
Stop Child Trafficking WALK!
10am Phillip's Square, Downtown Montreal
Route: St-Catherine and Maisonneuve Street.
Length: The walk will be about 3km long

seren's baptism at 5 pm in the Undercroft, a chance to commit or recommit ourselves to following Jesus

tuesday september 29

“Hear the Silence”
with Jamie Howison and Gord Johnson of St. Benedict’s Table, Winnipeg. A meditative liturgy for the evening hour. A time of worship built around music, prayer, readings and stillness. At St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, 4006 boul Dorchester W. (at Atwater), from 7:30 to 9 pm.

September 11, 2009


first week after Labour Day and we are still being taunted by summer weather (where were you in July when we really needed you? sigh!) still it's nice while it lasts. fortunately God's love is not like the weather in that respect, it is predictable and reliable. thing is, how are we going to respond to it?

sunday september 13
this sunday we are going to be at the Undercroft at 5.00 pm to eat together, talk, think, (aided by a movie from Rob Bell), pray. complete with live music, coffee, tea etc. see you there?

monday september 14
bottling with Sue!
contact us for details

September 4, 2009


basically any excuse to have a picture of loons is a good one!
one of the many things I like about loons, apart from their appearance, their cries, etc.) is their unpredictability. when they dive, it is impossible to predict just where they will surface. of course "we shall not live by unpredictability alone..." but in a world that sometimes seems oh-so-predictable, it's great to be surprised by a splash of water and a growing ripple from an unexpected direction!

sunday september 6
no gathering at the Undercroft this week, instead you are invited up to Nick & Su's cabin in the woods. the idea is to arrive mid-morning, enjoy the delights of the Laurentians, help us furnish & eat a barbeque, and return to the city in the evening! sounds good? you need to let us know if you are coming. so email me at the address on the right asap.

happy Labour Day!