June 30, 2010

some of the talk from the arts-based community development workshop revolved around the time of the sunday gathering, with some people suggesting that a sunday morning slot might be better for people. so to test out that theory we are going to gather on sunday july 4th at 10.00am at I, Weredale Park, Westmount. that's the house were St. Stephen's Church meets, and this sunday they have asked me to be there to help them kick-start their seven week series using the Student Alpha videos. {"Student Alpha is a seven week course introducing people to the Christian faith. Over the last ten years Student Alpha has proved to be one of the most effective tools for university students and young adults to explore the Christian faith, with over 600 courses now running worldwide. Its simple format has seen courses run everywhere from churches and halls, to McDonalds restaurants, curry houses and night clubs! It contains the same material as ‘classic’ Alpha, except that it’s been ‘squeezed’ (into seven weeks), ‘squashed’ (into thirty minute talks) and ‘spiced’ (with multi-media ingredients)."} I said I would, if it was OK to bring my emerge friends. they said that was fine, so we are all invited to a relaxed morning worship and excellent video presentation, followed by a delicious lunch, and you don't even have to bring anything to share!

messymerge was great last sunday with a bunch of curieux and emergers of all ages exploring "Jesus' surprise picnic" in bilingual song and story-telling, fun activities, and (of course) yummy food! we said au revoir to Catou & Daphne, and ate chocolate cake. a special thank you to those emergers without young children who came and got involved. way to go!

there are wild rumours circulating about a wordXchange revival possibly taking place in the Plateau. watch carefully as these subversive groups have been known to spring up in the strangest places and at the weirdest times. "where two or three gather in my name..." weird things can happen! let me know if there is a danger of a wordXchange erupting in your area.

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