November 6, 2009

nxt 7

spent a couple of days in Toronto this past week, speaking to various people and teaching a class on church planting at Wycliffe Colege. thank you to those of you who prayed for me while I was away. last week we talked about the people who have supported and encouraged us in following in the Jesus way, and also how we could be people who support and encourage people in the same way. praying to God on behalf of others seems a basic thing most of us could manage. expressing our hopes as well as our concern for other followers of Jesus needn't be so hard or as mysterious as it sometimes seems to be.

sunday november 8

we gather at the Undercroft at 5.00pm to eat bread & soup, catch up with one another, listen to some live music, and importantly spend some extended time praying using a variety of styles. it would be great to see you there. so think about people and concerns you'd like to pray for, and about creative ways in which you could do that!

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