September 30, 2010

sunday october 3rd

last sunday we had an exceptional messymerge with members of curieux plus visitors.

this week the idea is to join with other Christians in a tri-lingual celebration called Christ Awakening. that means there will be no gathering at the Undercroft this week. Christ Awakening runs 1.30-5.00pm on Sunday, in Lasalle. if you need a ride, meet at 1.00pm sharp at the Undercroft and we'll give you a ride, alternatively make your own way by bus and metro. either way, if you intend to go you must email me your name so I can put you on the guest list, otherwise you may not get in!

I think this is going to be good, and joining with other Christians in a multi-lingual celebration sounds like fun to me. BTW I am playing in the band for this event!

September 24, 2010

sunday september 26th

This Sunday, we're meeting with Curieux at 4pm at the Undercroft for another Messymerge evening entirely devoted to kids! This time, We're gonna explore Jesus' story of the lost sheep (it might be a bit nostalgic for the parents...) As usual, there will be craft stations and activities related to the story and some songs. For supper, there will be some corn on the cob, but we ask you to bring some side dishes or drink to go with it.

A reminder that Messymerge is open to everybody, so even if you don't have kids, please come!

See you Sunday!

Ce dimanche, on rejoint le groupe Curieux à 16h00 à l'Undercroft pour une autre soirée Messymerge entièrement dédiée aux enfants! Cette fois, nous explorerons l'histoire de la brebis perdue et retrouvée (ça risque d'être nostalgique pour les parents!) Comme d'habitude, il y aura des activités bricolages en lien avec l'histoire et quelques chansons à la guitare pour les petits et les petites. Pour le souper, il y aura du blé d'inde de fourni, mais on demande quand même aux gens d'apporter des plats ou des breuvages pour compléter. 

Je vous rappelle que tout le monde est invité à Messymerge, alors même si vous n'avez pas d'enfants, venez faire un tour quand même.

À dimanche!

September 16, 2010

sunday september 19th

photos by Julia Smith Brake

this summer emerger Julia Smith Brake spent a week in Haiti as part of the Quebec response to the large scale disruption caused by the January earthquake. she is going to give us a taste of her experience, in words, pictures, music & food!

5-7 pm the Undercroft.

thursday september 23rd
guerilla bible study 6.30-8.30pm the Undercroft.

September 10, 2010

sunday september 12th

lost is not just the name of one of the most popular television series of the last six years, it's also the experience of having lost something that Jesus talks about in two of his best known stories.

what's it like to find something important you have lost?

what have you lost then found recently?

this sunday we'll gather in the Undercroft at 5.00 pm. there will be soup to eat, music, talk, prayer, and plenty of time to catch up after the summer! hope to see you there!

September 3, 2010

praying by colours

sunday september 5th

seems like there is never enough time to pray. so we thought we'd make prayer the major focus of this sunday's gathering. praying that is, not simply talking about praying. to help us do that we are going to use five headings-


and we're asking people to bring something that symbolises one of those headings. then we're going to pray, on our own, together, silently, out loud, in writing, in fact any way you want!

5.00pm at the Undercroft.please bring something to eat and to share!

see you then.