January 29, 2010

nxt 7

sunday january 31
one month down, eleven to go!
here are three new year's resolutions someone I know made,"Explore God’s mercy. Practice random acts of kindness. Pray for someone to become a Christian." I wonder how they are doing at keeping them? how are you doing at keeping yours, if you made any that is? this sunday's gathering at 5.00 pm in the Undercroft gives us a chance to check in with one another, eat together, laugh together, hear what Ondrej's new year thoughts are. accompanied by live music, prayer and scripture. hope you will make it down!

January 14, 2010

nxt 7

when disaster strikes...where is God?
the emerging horror of the earthquake thirteen kilometres from the capital of Haiti, the full extent of which will not be known for weeks, brings up uncomfortable questions. there will be time to discuss those questions, but for now this is the time to respond to a situation of extreme human tradegy. this is the time to get out the credit card, to make a donation, to pray for the people of Haiti, to contact that friend with family in Haiti. this is a time for compassion in action. this sunday january 17th 5.00 pm we will gather in the Undercroft, in safety, with food, with water, with sadness too for the people of Haiti. we will collect money if you don't have or don't want to use a credit card, and we'll add our little drop to the bucketful of human compassion.

January 8, 2010

nxt 7

sunday january 10
the question of identity seems pretty important these days. how do we see ourselves? how we see others? this sunday this issue comes up again as we reflect on the significance of Jesus' baptism. 5.00 pm the Undercroft, complete with bread & soup, music, great people, and guess what? you are invited!