sunday september 27
sees two exciting events take place.
at 10.00 am in Phillips Square sees the start of the Stop Child Trafficking Walk fundraiser.
then at 5.00 pm we gather in the Undercroft to celebrate God's love for us and to baptise our youngest emerger!
a baptism gives us an opportunity to look at some of the core issues involved in being followers of Jesus. if you come on sunday, and I very much hope you do, you will be asked the question, "Will you...do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ?" the "persons" here are not just the one being baptised, but also their parents, and godparents. it is a really good question, and one that is worth taking some time to think about before we blurt out the enthusiastic response, "We will." what may constitute support for these friends now and in the future? what does supporting someone in their life in Christ involve? baptism seems to be very much about setting a direction for life, about a desire to live life in Jesus' distinctive way.
I have a friend for whom alchohol has been a formidable foe. I recognise and support their determination to struggle against its power. and so I attended their celebration of several years of sobriety, it was one way in which I could support them. however inviting them to a pub (ordinarily a perfectly okay thing to do) would probably not have been a supportive act, because it didn't respect their commitment to sobriety. so being supportive includes positive as well as negative elements. doing certain things that would be helpful and not doing other things that would not be helpful. as we think about supporting one another in our life in Christ, we need to consider both forms.
tuesday september 29
hear the silence see below for details